Bear Dmg


For those just here for the formula:
(Base Damage * TYPE A ( + Scorching RPMs + Stainless Steel Bear + Desperate Measures + Action Skill Damage ) * TYPE B ( + Drowning in Brass + Phalanx Doctrine) * Specialist Bear * (Splash Damage Bonuses when applicable) * Critical Hit (2 * 1+( Scorching RPM’s) * Elemental Multipliers (+Stoke the Embers if fire) + (Bonus fire damage (Fire in the Skag Den, Cloud of Lead, Experimental Munitions).

TYPE B only works with the left hand.

Bear Dmg Dragon Raja

  1. Bear - Bears are the 2nd-1st best tanking pet for dealing agro (switches back and forth with crocolisk) because the bears attack, Swipe is able to deal a more steady flow of threat seeing as it only has a 5 sec cooldown (3.5 sec with Longevity) meaning that the bear will generate more AoE agro when the crocolisk's Bad Attitude is down but less.
  2. Player: Taco1942 KANCO.

The rest of the op is testing/proof.

12%, x2 dmg Lynx: 1710 142 9700 21% 28%, x1.70001 dmg Bear: 2950 650 140 8600 6% 10%, x1.79999 dmg Lion: 2125 860 142 8700 11% 20%, x2.59998 dmg Eagle: 1690 9800 19% 21%, 1.900002 dmg Cheetah: 1700 850 141 10350 23% 21%, x2.09998 dmg Horse: 2130 860 142 9800 12% 14%, 2.799999 dmg Crocodile: 2540 850 143 7800 3% 10%, 4.099998 dmg Tiger: 2450 850.

Video test that I will be referencing for this section:

Testing was done on TVHM no mayhem, using the basic V-35, on a technical. So damage is being lowered by 20% based on elemental multipliers.

  • The initial damage shown @:12s is 1274 (The actual damage for V-35 is ~1592, so rounding is being done.)

  • @:23 seconds I put on a relic that boosts AOE damage by 33%. This is the same as splash damage. Shooting the car gives 1694 damage (1274 * 1.33 = 1694)

  • @:33 seconds I put on a blast master com fully charged + it has 28% more splash damage. The number now is 3324 (1274 * (1+1+.33+.28)=3325 …but the game is rounding)

TLDR; IB benefits from splash damage boosts. Obviously only if the weapon does splash damage

For the record, Iron Bear’s weapons that do splash damage are:

  • Exploding Bullets

  • Molten Roar

  • Every Grenade Launcher/ Rocket Pod

  • Corrosive Sabot Round

  • The “Random” bonus elemental damage on Wild Swing

The rest of the vid is me shooting the car at different timings. The grenade launcher normally shoots at ~1 shot a second, so it maintains a low number of combo stacks (namely 1) , but it still illustrates that that IB benefits from C-c-combo (3390 is 2% more than 3324)… which is weird but we take those.

Now onto the next video:

Specialist Bear increases IB’s damage by 25% if you use two of the same weapon; only the diamonds count so feel free to mix chevrons.

1274 * (1+.25) =1592

Putting back on the relic we get a number of 2118, which is spicy. This is 1274 * (1+.25) * (1+.33)=2118. Specialist Bear and Scorching RPMs are additive, and splash damage boosts are multiplicative.

While on the subject, the Shaped Charge Augment gives a 35% boost on an direct impact. Not only is this boost multiplicative ( Shooting a car with this and specialist bear gives 2149 ( 1274 * 1.25 * 1.35 ) ) but it applies aftersplash damage boosts (the same example but with the relic is 2859 (1274 * 1.25 * 1.33 * 1.35)

Bear Dmg

Finally Critical hit damage. Gearbox, add a testing dummy

This test was done with the minigun. Base Damage is shown at 414.
Base Critical Hit Damage is shown as 827, a little less than 2 * 414. Which shows IB doesn’t get boosted by GR crit damage.Bear
Despite that, IB does gain Scorching RPM’s crit boost; As soon as I slot it in it goes to 993 damage. (414 * (2 * (1+.20)) = 993.6Bear damage to house… again rounding.

12/13/19 - Recent patches changed some aspects of IB’s damage. Gearbox made Desperate measures, and later Drowning in Brass and Phalanx Doctrine work with IB, and they are on a separate part of the formula, but they only work for the left gun .
On top of this they also made Specialist Bear apply on a separate part of the formula as well.

The damage on flesh for the railgun is 7401
SSB is a 20% additive boost (7401 * 1.2 = 8881)
Then Desperate Measures is added multiplicitavely (7401 * 1.2 * 1.5 = 13321.8)
Then with one stack of DiB you get 15k (7401 * 1.2 * (1+.2+.5))
Finally, Phalanx Doctrine + SSB (7401 * 1.2 * 1.1 = 9769)

Bear Damage To House

Now for a similar test for Specialist Bear:

First Scorching RPMs (7401 * 1.25 = 9251)

Then with specialist bear and desperate measures for the left gun:

Bear Dmg

7401 * 1.25 * 1.25 = 11564 ( * 1.5 = 17346)


Desperate measures now works with both hands… but is now a TYPE A boost.

Bear Damage Wow

Using the same test as above:
base damage 7401
7401 * (1+.5+.25) * 1.25 = 16k, as apposed to the 17k we got before.

Because of this I’m separating the base damage boosts into two categories: TYPE A (Desperate Measures, Stainless Steel Bear and Scorching RPM) sand TYPE B (Phalanx Doctrine and Drowning in Brass), since they all work the same and are additive within a group (at least until gearbox gets fucky again )

Bear Damage

With that in mind, IB damage looks like (Base Damage * TYPE A ( + Scorching RPMs + Stainless Steel Bear + Desperate Measures ) * TYPE B ( + Drowning in Brass + Phalanx Doctrine) * Specialist Bear * (Splash Damage Bonuses when applicable) * Critical Hit (2 * 1+( Scorching RPM’s) * Elemental Multipliers (+Stoke the Embers if fire) + (Bonus fire damage (Fire in the Skag Den, Cloud of Lead, Experimental Munitions).