My Ebay Dashboard Widget 2.0

Sep 01, 2020 Matrix Admin is a free forever dashboard template powered by Bootstrap 4. It includes all the basic UI elements that you will need for your application. Each page is composed of flexible widgets that can contain practically any type of content. You can include anything from simple status data to complex feeds. My Ebay Dashboard Widget 2.0 Free Download For Mac As a new customer you will receive a FREE 5 lb. The scale is a $50 value and is yours to keep with no additional obligation. Download this free extension to get the latest from Yahoo every time you open your Edge browser. Features include: - Sets your browser’s default homepage to for the latest news and updates. Provides easy access to from the “Y!” icon on your toolbar. Search the internet directly using Yahoo Search. My SimHub dashboard (new version 1.2) First post and replies Last post by Giuseppe C.86, 2 weeks ago.

For time tracking reporting in ClickUp, use widgets to build your own Time Tracking Dashboard!

Tweak: new font for Dashboard Widgets (Roboto) Tweak: Added an accordion to sort icon groups; 1.0.2. Moved the Ultimate Dashboard CPT from the main menu to Dashboard Dashboard Widgets; Added better descriptions while creating a Dashboard Widget for absolute and relative urls; 1.0.1. Removed a bug that only allowed to create 1.

Available Widgets

  • Time Reporting

  • Timesheet

  • Billable Report

  • Time Estimated

  • Time Tracked

How Time Tracking Widgets Work

Time Reporting

See all your time entries, filter by multiple properties, and display in customizable groups.

  • Group by task, List, Folder, or Space and users up to two levels through the grouping menu in the widget settings

  • Toggle on Time Estimates to display the estimated time in a column

  • Select billable or non-billable time entries from the dropdown

Note: date-defined filters will only show tasks that have time tracked within that time period.

The Time Reporting Widget is available on the Unlimited+ Plans


See time tracked for a given week, month, or any custom range.

  • Drill down to the task and the individual time entry

  • Show time grouped by day and compare against a 12 hour day

  • Get a grand total of time per selected time range

Note: if you would like to change the time from a 12 hour day, you can set the default number of hours in a workday in the Time Estimates ClickApp.

The Timesheet Widget is available on the Business+ Plans

Billable Report


Similar to the time reporting widget, billable time is a quick way to display a report with only billable time.

The Billable Report Widget is available on the Business+ Plans

Time Estimated (legacy)

Quickly view time as a team resource for planning projects.

  • The time remaining indicator calculates (time estimated) - (time logged) to determine whether or not your goals are on schedule

  • This report does not provide a time period filter. Time estimated is not inherently related to exact dates. Therefore, adding a time period filter for this feature would render its comparison with the time tracked feature useless.

  • This widget also gives you the ability to export much more data.

The Time Estimated Widget is available on the Unlimited+ Plans

Time Tracked (legacy)

See a total of how much time each person in your Workspace has tracked.

My Ebay Dashboard Widget 2.0 Login

  • With cumulative time tracking logs for each Workspace user, there’s accurate information on how time-consuming a List of tasks has been

  • This includes time tracked manually and automatically, such as with the ClickUp Chrome extension, Toggl and Harvest

  • Export the data for even more information

The Time Tracked (legacy) Widget is available on the Unlimited+ Plans

How to Build a Time Tracking Widget

  1. Select the Location (only applicable to Time Estimated & Time Tracked): Select one or multiple Spaces, Folders, or Lists within your Workspace

  2. Set the Time Range:Choose how much time you want to be included such as this year, month, week, or a custom time frame
    Note: users with View only permissions cannot change the Time Range

  3. Select Grouping (only applicable to Time Reporting & Billable Reporting): Select how you want time to be grouped, and even add a second level!

  4. Choose Time Labels: Filter the time entries by labels added to the time entry

  5. Select People: Select who's time you want to be included in the report

  6. Determine Billable: Choose whether you want to display billable, non-billable, or both

  7. Include Archived: Toggle archived tasks to be included or excluded

  8. Show Time Estimates: Toggle on to show how much time was estimated

  9. Include tasks in Multiple Lists: Toggle on to display time tracked from tasks in Multiple Lists

  10. Add a Filter:Add additional filters to further adjust the scope of your widget

Note:Exporting Time Tracking Widgets is a Business Plan feature. You can search for Custom Fields to add them to your Dashboard widget.

A $15 Megasquirt 'Dashboard'

My originalDIY Megasquirt dashboard was a fun project and has given goodservice in both my cars over the last couple of years. The wheels ofprogress are rolling on.With a 50% blowout in cost, I have replaced the 1602 text LCD with atiny 1.8' $5 TFT colour LCD. This is able to display considerablymore information while occupying less space in my dashboard. On thenegative side, it's not as easy to read in bright sunlight andprogramming it was a good deal more complicated.

As before, let's start with photos. Unfortunately, I didn't take anyshots along the way, so you only get to see it installed in thedashboard (where the tacho used to be). The photos don't exactlyflatter it either -- looks a bit better in the flesh, but I suppose itfighting the camera flash gives you an idea of what it's like in brightsunlight.

Here's what you're greeted with before starting the engine:

And here it is after it's been running for a while:

As you can see, you can pack quite a lot of information into thissmall space. It provides a pretty good at-a-glance overall status,with details right there if anything is wrong. I haven't found it toodistracting when driving, and it gives you something to look at whenwaiting at traffic lights.

UPDATE: I built a second board so have added a few more pics.This build replaces the NPN transistor with a PNP as mentioned below.Definitely brighter and does a better job competing with the cameraflash. The software is slightly different too, with a new textbackground colour option.

As a bonus the faulty MAX3232 chip made an accidental guest appearancein that second shot.

In case you're wondering about the 'inconsistent' LED and RPMreadings, it's because one of the photos was taken just after thesimulated RPMs wrapped around. The RPM field, being averaged over theprevious two seconds, was higher than the LED value. This lag couldbe avoided by making the RPM text field refer to a last methodvalue instead of a mean.

Hardware description follows, then the software.


Once again using TI's MSP430G2553 20 pin DIP microcontroller, this timerunning at 3.3V. RS-232 duties are carried out by a cheap MAX3232module from eBay. Unfortunately I chose one that was a bit too cheapand had to replace the MAX3232 chip (common problem apparently). Evenso it was still good value. The TFT display is based on the ST7735Schip. The 1.8' display area has 128x160 pixels and 18-bit colour.

Here are the modules as bought from eBay:

And here is the schematic:


This is obviously a much simpler schematic than the LCD1602 version.That's largely down to using the off-the-shelf RS-232 transceiver, butalso because it communicates with the display using the SPI protocol,so only 4 wires. Another simplification is that everything is runningat 3.3V, so one regulated power line does for all.

The CPU is running at 12MHz. With the display plugged directly intothe circuit board, SPI worked well at the same speed. The boardwouldn't fit easily in the instrument cluster and introducing a 15'cable between board and display meant I had to halve the speed of theSPI bus. At that, it's still fast enough.

My Ebay Dashboard Widget 2.0 Online

It was easy to implement the 'lights' connection this time. If pin2.0 goes high, the PWM duty cycle is reduced on pin 2.5. Thebrightness is software configurable.

In hindsight it would have been wiser to use an S9015 PNP transistor inplace of Q1. This would deliver full voltage to the backlight evenwhen the BL pin comes well above ground. It'd be a bit brighter.(UPDATE: Done, and it was. Schematic updated accordingly.)

Mounting this wasn't too bad. I made the bezel thick so I could tapthreads for screws coming from the back, and large because thedisplay's circuit board is considerably larger then the displayitself. A 3D printer could no doubt provide a better looking result.

As an aside, I'll have to give mid-80s Peugeot an award for thestupidest connector I've come across. I put this gauge in place of thestandard tachometer, leaving the old connector taped out of the way.However, unconnected, its spring clip shorts all its terminalstogether. Brilliant. Only found this out with the burning insulationsmell when I started the engine.

UPDATE 2: Have now added the seg7 widget giving double-heightnumbers simulating a 4-digit 7 segment display. There is no room forlabels, so it's up to you to know what it's telling you.

Here is a photo of my latest configuration, incorporating the newwidget for RPM and MAP, with AFR info above, and EGO correctionimmediately below. RPM uses the last method, so it updates 16times per second. Everything else updates at a 2 second interval.

The new layout has cost me the ledbar RPM widget, but I found I neverlooked at it when driving, snazzy though it was when free revving inneutral.

UPDATE 3: Added the ability for the background colour of theseg7 widget to be set according to the range of the number beingdisplayed. Also added the ability for a blank field to display ashort label.

UPDATE 4: Added Mseg7 widget and removed Rangebar. This pageis behind the times on inverse video and colour selection. Things aremore up-to-date in the configuration page.


The software has quite a lot in common with the original dashboard.All the communications with the Megasquirt are the same, as is theRS232 flash update capability.

In brief, the Megasquirt is still polled 16 times per second to send auser-configurable slice of its 'OutputChannels'. The dashboardaccumulates these for 2,4,8,16,32,... samples then updates the valueson the display. If the Megasquirt isn't connected to the RS-232 portas a slave, the dashboard looks for a computer talking as master.This allows upgrading the firmware, or the 192 byte configurationflash. If you want further details of those features, read theprevious project's blurb.


The display is logically divided into eight rows and two columnsgiving 16 locations where widgets can be displayed. A widget canoccupy more than one slot.

The following widget types are available:

  • Blank -- just used to fill a slot. It is a rectanglefilled with the background colour. It can contain up to 4 charactersof fixed text. These are always drawn in white. This text can bealigned: halign left, centre, right; valign top, middle, bottom. Thiscan help with labelling adjacent widgets.
  • Text -- displays the digits in a labelled field. Theconfiguration values are the label, the polled value to display andthe background colour (W,R,Y,B for white, red, yellow, blue).

  • Ledbar -- a horizontal graph of eight simulated LEDs, green,orange and red. The configuration values are the polled value, thelow limit (below which no LEDs will be lit), the high limit (abovewhich all LEDs will remain lit), and the numbers of green, orange andred LEDs. Two slots.

  • Bar -- simulates a simple bar type gauge where a needlemoves over a fixed background. Configuration values are the polledvalue, the label, the minimum and maximum extents of the bar, thevalues at which blue transitions to black, and black to red, and thebackground colour (W,R,Y,B). Fourslots.

  • Triled -- combines a Text widget with a cluster of three simulatedLEDs. One and only one LED is lit at a time. The centre LED isalways green, giving a quick health overview. Configuration valuesare the polled value, the label, the low and high threshold values,the LED colour map (blue,green,red or orange,green,orange) and thebackground colour for the text component (W,R,Y,B). Two slots.

  • Seg7 -- a double height Text widget able to display up tofour 7-segment style digits. An up-to 3 character label can beincluded. It will occupy the first digit position and will beclobbered if the first digit is required. By default this will beblack segments on a pale background. This can be inverted. Thebackground colour can optionally be selected according to low and highthreshold values, similar to the triled.Configuration values are the polled value, low and high thresholdvalues, the colour map (current choice of 'orange, normal, orange','blue, normal, red', 'normal, orange, red', 'red, orange, normal')and the normal background colour (W,R,Y,B), inverse-video and label.

  • Mseg7 -- a triple height, double width Text widget able todisplay up to five 7-segment style digits. It is otherwise exactly likethe Seg7 widget.

My Ebay Dashboard Widget 2.0My thinking was that the Ledbar would be used for RPM, the Bar fortemperature or voltage, the Rangebar for AFR or PW, and other valuesdisplayed as Text. In truth, the Rangebar wasn't as good as I'd hopedso I created the Triled which is more intuitive to look at. Thedisplay I'm happy with only uses Text, Ledbar and Triled widgets.

Global Configuration

I have adapted the configuration generator Perl script to support thesewidgets. It generates an S19 file ready to upload to the dashboard.The comments in the Perl script document the variables betterthan I will here. I'll highlight a couple of configuration items thathave been added, otherwise, once again, look at the previous project.
bgtwo 16-bit colour values (5 bits red, 6 bits green, 5bits blue). The background is a gradient from one to the other.
bldutytwo 8-bit values in [0:100] defining the day andnight PWM duty for the backlight (e.g. 90,30 would give 90% backlight dutyby day, 30% duty when the lights are on).

One other significant change from the previous project is in themethod field in the poll specification. Mean,min and max are as before, but last now causesany widget using that value to be refreshed 16 times per second (i.e.every poll rather than the number of polls specified inpollcycle). This is included so that an RPM ledbar canupdate quickly, but it also works with all the other widgets (at somecost in readability).

Closing Remarks

Everything's written in MSP430 assembly language. The executable hasgrown appreciably but is still small. The fixed part, which looks afterreflashing via RS-232, is just under 1k, the dashboard code itself isabout 4.5k, and there is just under 2k of font data.

My Ebay Dashboard Widget 2.0 App

As an echo of my time-wasting with the 1602 display, I spent a fairbit of effort making sure I had read/write access to the display. Inthe end, nothing is being read back from the display. I guess it'snice that my library supports it anyway.

It would be good if the display wasn't quite so small. I did buy acouple of 2.8' 240x320 displays, and I didn't have much botherupdating the library to talk to them (biggest hassle was that the 320pixels were too many to address in 8 bits). But they run slower, andtheir individual pixels are actually smaller than this display, so youhave to send many more pixels to present a larger image. What wouldbe really nice would be to have a 2.5' display that was still only128x160 pixels.

Ebay Dashboard Confessional

Source Code

My Ebay Dashboard Widget 2.0 Login

The code was developed using the Linux MSP430 tools. It would beextra effort to port it to TI's development tools. I'll leave that asan exercise for the interested reader.

My Ebay Dashboard Widget 2.0 Code

If you'd like a copy of the source or the schematic file (forgEDA's gschem), or you have some comments, drop me an e-mail or PM me as robs at theMS2/Extra forums. I'd alsoconsider sending pre-programmed MSP430 chips to people who don't mindbuilding the hardware but find the software off-putting.