Reason Refill Viewer

ViewerReason refill viewer downloadReason Refill Viewer

You have to have reason 3+ installed to use refill viewer. Also it works fine to extract the samples out of.rfl folders. The only reason i did this and had no problem pulling all the patches apart. Im not sure why you would do this but you can.

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Prije neki dan sam pronašao neke reason refill-e, e sada pošto ja ne koristim reason u produkciji prvo pitanje mi je bilo “kako ovo raspakovati u wav, ili slično ???”

Malo sam prosurfao net-om i pronašao ovaj alat, a zove se Refill Viewer

download refillviewer (cca 300kb)

Korištenje je skroz jednostavno, pokrenemo alat i pronađemo refill fajlove te duplim klikom otvorimo određeni refill fajl i dobijemo sadržaj.

Reason Refill Viewer Mac

Na desni klik imamo opciju “extract and unpack”, kao na sljedećoj slici:


Reason Refill Viewer & Unpacker

Da bi ovo radilo potrebno je da refillviewer.exe kopiramo u Reason program files folder (npr. c:program filespropellerheadsreason 4.0)