Acapella App

Acapella from PicPlayPost is a powerful Acapella maker equipped with the following features: - Record and sync your Acapella videos in real time. Record up to 9 frames Acapella. Free metronome. Video playback after first video is recorded. Save your Acapella to your Mixcord account for editing later. Acapella Extractor. By using this extractor you can easily isolate vocals from any song (wav or mp3) with mixed instrumentals and vocals. This service is free up to 2 songs per day. This service uses artificial intelligence and is based on the open source library spleeter. Please note that we can only make acapellas from songs up to a length. Acapella by Mixcord. Acapella by Mixcord (iPhone & iPad) This app is great as you can create a quad video fairly easily and even collaborate and record with your quartet members live! If you created a guide track, you can use this by adding it to iTunes on your phone and then tapping the “Play Music” option and selecting your song. Watch the updated 2020 edition of How To Use The Acapella App: To Make A Collab With The Acapella App: Posted by Acapella on Monday, 9 November 2015. The app has really had a huge amount of success in only 6 weeks of being released and it has just under 600,000 users. And if any of you have used Dubsmash you'll realise that it is the complete opposite to Acapella. Of course, don't forget to share your creations!

For iOS & macOS

Acapella by Mixcord

Acapella by Mixcord (iPhone & iPad)

  • This app is great as you can create a quad video fairly easily and even collaborate and record with your quartet members live!
  • If you created a guide track, you can use this by adding it to iTunes on your phone and then tapping the “Play Music” option and selecting your song. This will play while you are recording, but will not end up on the final video.
  • They offer a 7 day trial for all premium features and $9.99 per month subscription.

How to use the Acapella app

How to upload to YouTube from your iPhone

iMovie and Garageband

iMovie & Garageband (macOS)

  • This is a more complex method which will take more time to finish, but allows for more flexibility and creativity with the video. The finished video can be uploaded directly to YouTube.
  • iMovie and Garageband are free and included with your macOS install. If not in your Applications folder, go to the App Store and you can download them for free.
  • While using Garageband is not necessary, you can mix down the four audio tracks and then import them into iMovie.
  • Both have iPhone and iPad apps, but each have limitations which are not suitable for a four frame video.

How to use iMovie to create a four frame video

How to upload to YouTube from iMovie

For PC & Android

Acapella Maker

Acapella Maker (Android)

  • While it does not have a live collaboration feature, you can upload four videos into a chosen layout.
  • If you created a guide track you can use this in the app. This will play while you are recording, but will not end up on the final video.
  • It’s free to download and use.
  • Check out these basic guides on using the Acapella Maker app.
  • Here is how to upload to YouTube from Android.


OpenShot (all desktop OS including macOS)


Acapella App Cost

  • This is a more complex method which will take more time to finish, but allows for more flexibility and creativity with the video.
  • It is open source, safe to download, and free (or you can donate to them if you are totally impressed)!

How to use OpenShot for beginners

How to create a quad screen video in OpenShot

Acapella App Apk

How to upload to YouTube from OpenShot