Dev C Debug

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  2. Dev C++ Debug
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Dev c debug nasıl yapılır
2003-05-20 17:10:06 UTC
Dev c++ debugger

To set a breakpoint on a line, just click on the gutter (the gray band on the left), or press Ctrl-F5. Now you are ready to launch the debugger, by pressing F8 or clicking the debug button. If everything goes well, the program will start, and then stop at the first breakpoint. Then you can step through the code, entering function calls,. How To Debug Line By Line In Dev C There are several ways to interact with and debug your Linux project. Debug using traditional Visual Studio features, such as breakpoints, watch windows, and hovering over a variable. Download DEV-C - A full-featured IDE for C/C that provides developer with all the tools they need to compile, run, syntax check, debug and run the code.

Dev C DebugDev

Dev C Debug Tutorial

I recently managed how to get debugging to work in Dev-C++, but I noticed 2 problems:
1. I have to manually enable 'create debug info' in the linker settings for debugging. Perhaps it should be enabled automatically (or by asking the user) when the 'debug'-button is pressed the first time.
2. If I set breakpoints, only the ones in my 'int main'-
function are reagrded and processed, but if I set them for example in the constructor of some of my classes the program never stops there. Also Dev-C++ says 'the .exe file is older than the source-files, do you want to recompile it?', even if I make a full recompile and then change nothing.
If somebody has an idea how to fix #2, it would be very cool, since I need debugging very much (as a beginner :) )

Dev-C uses GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection. If you really can't live without them, you can use conio functions this way: Include conio.h to your source, and add C: Dev-C Lib conio.o to 'Linker Options' in Project Options (where C: Dev-C is where you installed Dev-C). Please note that conio support is far from perfect.

2003-11-04 11:43:07 UTC

Dev C++ Debug


Dev C Debug Nasıl Yapılır

I'm new to Dev-C++.
I was looking for a tools for my new project and Dev-C++ as IDE
with gtkmm as GUI toolkit seems to be the best choice for me,
but i have 2 problems.
Most important problem is debugging. I can't gebug program
with the internal debugger at all. Debugging seems to work perfectly fine
until I add anything related to gtkmm to the source. If I try to run
with any breakpoint set, gdb immediately crashes and debugging stops.
I tried to replace gdb shipped with Dev-C++ with newest gdb
from mingw package but the result was the same.
The gdb from insight devpack seems to work but I can't see
the 'blue line' indicating where the exectuion has stopped.
Second problem is related to class browser.
If I generate C++ files with glade-- (.cc and .hh) class browser displays
class members as a global variables/functions. I found that after
copying .hh files to .hpp
(for f1 in `ls *.hh`; do f2=`dirname $f1`/`basename $fi .hh`.hpp; cp -fv
$f1 $f2; done)
class browser can 'see' the classes but this workaround
is very inconinient (no links on Windows platform) :-(
Are those problems related to my system only (Win2K)?
Can anyone help me with this?
Thanks in advance